News Wire: Eatchel Adjustments Confirmed, Fenny/Lyfe Outfits Updated

Eatchel fans everywhere on hopium

Outfit Changes

As promised, Lyfe - Wild Hunt's Street Code and Fenny - Coronet's Sugar Queen outfits have been changed following feedback:

Street Code


Sugar Queen


These changes will be rolled out in a future update.

Eatchel Changes

After receiving feedback, Seasun has decided to make changes to Eatchel to be implemented in the near future. While details are vague, one point that was noted was the difficulty of using Eatchel's ultimate ability, presumably due to its high U-Energy cost. More details are expected to be made available at a later date.

Defense Line Zero Bugfixes

Seasun is also aware of multiple bugs in the Defense Line Zero game mode, and are working to fix them, while noting that they will not be fixing certain bugs that can make gameplay more fun for players.
