Enya – Tempest Character Preview

Easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl.

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Full event details

Enya exhibited remarkable composure during psychological evaluations, enabling her to swiftly complete adaptive training for her new Tempest exosuit. She retained her poise while adeptly mastering the dynamic, wind-like tactical gear.

Weapon: Shotgun
Element: Kinetic
Role: Skill DPS

"If you want to be pampered, feel free to ask. I won't tell~"
"These sounds... so sad... it's the Adjutant here to meet with me!"
"All done, let's get out of here safe and sound."

Standard Skill: Wind's Onslaught

[Valley Wind] state
[Coastal Wind] state
[Leafy Wind] state

Tap: Enya enters the [Valley Vortex] state, continuously dealing Kinetic damage and knocking back nearby enemies. Each time damage is dealt, gain [Wind Points].

Hold: Enya enters the [Coastal Vortex] state, continuously consuming [Wind Points] to continuously deal increased Kinetic damage and knocking back enemies in an increased range. Each time damage is dealt, generate U-Energy.

Passive: when dodging, Enya enters the [Leafy Vortex] state along the direction of travel, knocking up enemies and dealing Kinetic damage to them. Each time damage is dealt, generate [Wind Points] and S-Energy.

Neuronic 1: Enya's CC resistance is increased while in any of the three [Vortex] states.
Neuronic 2: Reduce the [Wind Point] consumption of the [Coastal Vortex] state.

Support Skill: Cyclone of Ascension

Enya places a [Wind Terrace] under the active operative and deals damage to nearby enemies. When operatives are on top of the [Wind Terrace], it will rise up to lift them off the ground. Enemies that touch the [Wind Terrace] are knocked back, but do not take damage again.

Neuronic 1: Reduce this skill's cooldown.
Neuronic 2: Increase the duration of [Wind Terrace], and increase CC resistance while standing on it.

Ultimate Skill: Hurricane Axis

Enya consumes all U-Energy to deal Kinetic damage to enemies within range. There is a minimum amount of U-Energy that must be consumed to use this ability. Damage dealt is increased based on the amount of U-Energy consumed. This ability's cooldown is reduced whenever an enemy is defeated.

Neuronic 1: When equipped with a Kinetic weapon, this ability's damage is increased.
Neuronic 2: Reduce this ability's cooldown.

Deiwos Passive: Winds of Youth

When equipped with a Kinetic weapon, increase the final damage of Enya's skills if the number of enemies hit is below a certain amount, further increasing based on how few enemies are hit.

Enya gains bonus attack, further increased based on her Alignment Index.



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