Featured Logistics Set: Reverie Squad Details

Life could be a dream...

Two-Piece Effect

Increases attack by 24%.

Three-Piece Effect

If equipped by Fenny - Starshine, when any operative has a Starstone Clip, increases their ballistic damage by 40%. When Fenny - Starshine has a Stargem Clip and deals ballistic damage, increases her attack by 20% for that hit.

Logistics Officer Profiles


She was once a street performer in the city of Gadar in the Kuru region., but eventually videos of her performances were recorded by passing strangers and uploaded online, attracting widespread attention. After confirming her decision, Cyathea was recruited into Huanlian Technology's Special Logistics Tactics division. Her performance can unconsciously immerse people, and what's even more magical is her ability to disappear into the music with the help of her manifestation power. Therefore, whenever the adjutant notices the faint sound of music, he subconsciously reaches out behind him to catch the stealthily-approaching cypress.


Betula was admitted to the Kuru University of Technology in 2060, and later joined Huanlian Technology's juvosis R&D lab, where her research direction was juvosis diagnosis and treatment.

"Adjutant, you've been to Yehrus, right?"

When they were invited to Betula's juvosis exhibit, the two started chatting in the logistics office. After receiving a positive reply from the adjutant, Betula showed a faint smile.

"The betula tree [a type of white birch] is hardy and can protect weaker plants, so I like it a lot. Also..."

At this point, Betula's face seem to change, becoming a little redder.

"In Yehrus, betula is also a symbol of love..."


Fortunei went to the Academia Acropolis to study in 2057, graduating three years later to join the Huanlian Technology marketing department. Fortunei is good at negotiation. She rarely spent time in common areas, instead choosing to mostly stay on the company's logistics department. But not long after her arrival, the logistics staff discovered that Fortunei had been responsible for a lot of changes. For example, the improved quality of the breakfasts in the logistics office and increased vacation time. When asked about her methods, she smiled proudly:

"The first principle of negotiation is to prioritize what can be decided upon. People."

While saying this, Fortunei looked through the hundreds of message logs between her and the adjutant.