Operation Midnight: Quality of Life Updates

Featuring rings, bling, and other things.

Most of the stuff here has already been shown off in the main event trailer, but there is some new information.

Note that the text on the middle-left of the image is the descrpition quote from Mauxir - Shadow Ka's Sizzling Holiday outfit.

Main event details

If You Like It...

Put a ring on it. Players who own the wedding outfits for either Lyfe - Infinite Sight or Fenny - Starshine will be able to wear the respective ring on the Adjutant. And yes, you can wear both of them.

Fenny: "Now that I have you, I'm the happiest girl in the world."

As well, if the wedding outfit for a character is owned, they will wear a ring in the neuronics menu.

Said characters will also have their trust level icon changed to look like a wedding ring.

Additional Features

Vidya: "The wait paid off, I was the first person to see the Adjutant today!"
Chenxing: "I hope I can spend time along with the Adjutant today."

Set your home screen to display a random character and outfit, and also randomize what outfit a character wears in missions. This feature cannot be used when using trial characters or in online game modes.

Chenxing: "The improvements in my martial arts skills are paying off."

Convert weapon uncap materials into ones of a different rarity. Finally.

Vidya: "Please make sure to follow the plan!"

Updated art and profiles for members of the Dharma (left), Thebes (right), and Usha (middle) Squad logistics sets will be released with the update as well.
