Let’s Go, Heimdall! Event Details

Because you're not a real gacha game if you don't have a chibi obstacle course minigame.

Yggdrasil Entertainment - New Game Recommendations

This week's featured game: Let's Go, Heimdall!
Popularity expectation:
Game type: Challenge
Developer: Acacia
Playtesting lead, number one player, and Acacia's beloved: Adjutant

Welcome to my latest masterpiece, "Let's Go, Heimdall!" The game is inspired by our water park vacation. Do you like the character models? It was designed based on an Adjutant nendoroid. As for the others, I took some... creative liberties.

Full Event Details


Before starting a match, you can pick a character model. The currently available options are the Adjutant, Lyfe - Infinite Sight, Fenny - Starshine, Marian - Riptide, and Katya - Dawnwing.

Acacia: With the love and hope that I give to you, run, Adjutant, run!

After matching into a lobby with up to 15 players, a random level will be selected. Players can move, jump, and even double jump to avoid various obstacles and reach the finish line.

Game Modes

Acacia: Even if I'm against the Adjutant, I won't stop fighting for the top spot.

The game mode currently has 12 different levels, each of which falls under one of the three following categories:

Speed Challenge: Reach the finish line within the time limit to complete the challenge. The faster you do this, the higher you'll rank.

Survival: Stay within the play area while avoiding various hazards to avoid falling off the platform. After too many falls, this stage may have to be restarted.

High Score Competition: Collect as many points as possible within the time limit. Achieving a certain score threshold will complete the challenge, but collecting more points will boost your ranking.

Acacia: Even pro gamers still need checkpoints.

There will be multiple checkpoints along the way to save your progress. Thus, you won't have to worry about having to restart the entire level if you fail along the way.

Special Rewards

  • Avatar: Ultimate Winner
  • Badge: Lucky Badge

If you have any suggestions or criticisms, please let me know. I only care about the Adjutant's opinion, after all.
