Table of Contents

In Supreme Battleground, players will take on two sets of combat challenges with five difficulty levels each. Bravely enter the battlefield to win rewards!
Gameplay Overview

Writer's note: Wow, spoilers.
Supreme Battleground is split into two phases, with each phase lasting two weeks. Each phase has two sets of arenas, each with five difficulty levels.

Bottom: Enemies take less Thermal/Electric damage but increased Kinetic/Frost damage
Each arena will have unique conditions that will affect combat. Pick your team lineups carefully!

Writer's note: Probably not, Bubu.

Operatives, weapons, and logistics sets cannot be used in the highest-scoring run in both arenas at the same time. This is the same way that Neural Simulation works.

By completing stages in each arena, players will be ranked based on their total score.

Rewards include Silverbucks, weapon uncap materials, and "Replacement Quotas," a new resource used to reroll the first two stats of logistics pieces.