News Wire: Agave Buffs Confirmed, Figurine Updates

Thanks for announcing this one day after I posted my Agave review

They say comedy is tragedy plus time. Well in this case, the time is just one day after I'd posted my review of Vidya - Agave. Thanks, Seasun.

Agave: Extended Cut

On Bilibili, Snowbreak producer ChongChong posted an announcement confirming that work on buffs for Vidya - Agave are underway. He noted that the development and testing process has been taking a long time, and asked for players to be patient as the team worked on finishing the changes as soon as possible.

Go Figure

During Snowbreak's anniversary devstream earlier this year, it was announced that there were plans to produce various Snowbreak figurines. Well it's been some time, and there have been further announcements regarding this.

In early July, APEX TOYS announced that they would be working on a figure of Enya - Exuvia in her "Kiss Be the Remedy" outfit. More recently however, Raise Dream has released an announcement of their own regarding their plans to produce a figure of Cherno - Enigma in her "Apprentice Maid" outfit. No further details have been made available, and there has yet to be any announcements regarding figures of Lyfe - Infinite Sight or Fenny - Starshine, the other two characters shown in the figurine segment on the devstream.