If you haven't been around for every single Snowbreak event that's run in the past, you're likely missing out on some of the limited items from those events. Some you unfortunately can't get anymore, but the gameplay-related goodies are fortunately permanently available through two sets of Operations missions. This will allow you to obtain event-limited logistics sets and weapons at any time.
How It Works

In the Operations menu, two missions can be found: Mind Refinement and Arms Hub. These correspond to the mission for farming limited logistics and limited weapons, respectively.
Logistics Sets

In Mind Refinement, you can farm for Elite Personnel Limit, a currency that can be spent in the Elite Logistics Officer shop tab:

As well, each run of a Mind Refinement mission will reward progress towards getting a bonus logistics piece from the logistics squad of your choice, selectable via the button at the bottom right.

It takes five runs to get a bonus piece this way. Just like with any other normal method of obtaining logistics pieces, the stats of any pieces you get through either the shop or progression bonus will have random stats.

The Arms Hub works similarly to Mind Refinement, with each run rewarding currency that can be spent in the Fortune Weapons Exchange tab of the shop.

Are They Worth It?
Not really.
Okay, let me explain.
From a pure cost standpoint, neither the logistics nor weapon farm are amazing deals. Farming for weapons in this way is far less stamina-efficient than farming them through event shops when the operative associated with them is on rerun. And while the limited logistics farm is actually as AP-efficient as farming logistics pieces through event shops on technicality, it requires a larger stamina investment before you get any logistics pieces, and provides less control on which piece you get, as the bonus logistics piece (which is the only reason why it's competitive in terms of stamina efficiency) is randomly selected from the selected logistics squad, and thus might not be the one you wanted.
But then again, these farms are always available, as opposed to having to wait for a certain operative to be on rerun to farm their gear in an event shop. So in a sense, you're paying for the convenience of not having to wait, and to be able to farm these items at any time. Whether that's worth it is ultimately up to you. I would advise against chasing good logistics stat rolls through these permanent farms though, as it can quickly become prohibitively expensive.
But I still need to inflate the word count of this article (joking), so here are my personal thoughts on which logistics pieces and weapons are really worth your hard-earned stamina.
Logistics Sets
Logistics Set | Associated Operative | Verdict |
Mingyi Squad | Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud | The original scam of a logistics set, Mingyi provides a lower damage boost than Amano-Iwato while also being harder to maintain uptime on. Absolutely not worth it unless you're allergic to ADSing. |
Akitsu Squad | Haru - Absconditus | Relatively interchangeable with Thebes Squad, as both do similar things for Haru. It really comes down to your own personal preference, as both have their advantages over each other. It's worth noting that Thebes is far less costly to farm good stats on though, as you can purchase pieces for it through the normal logistics shop using currency from Gigalink rewards and through selling unwanted gold logistics pieces. |
Amarna Squad | Mauxir - Shadow Ka | The best event logistics set ever released, as far as power and usability goes. It's intended for Mauxir - Shadow Ka, but a whole host of supports can use it, from Acacia - Kaguya, to Fritia - Little Sunshine, to even Lyfe - Wild Hunt. If there's no Mauxir rerun on the horizon, it just might be worth it to pick up a set or two. |
Hjartagard Squad | Tess - The Magician | If you have Tess, this is basically the only logistics set worth using on her. So I guess you might as well. |
Eli Squad | Katya - Blue Bolt | You could cope with Mizuho Squad, but I think getting a set of this is a worthwhile investment anyways. |
Lux Squad | Eatchel - The Cub | I mean... sure? Most of its value comes from Eatchel having her signature weapon maxed, but more passive healing never hurts, I guess. Substitute it with Green Spirit Squad if you're feeling stingy. |
Dziady Squad | Cherno -Enigma | Yeah, uh. There really isn't any competition here. Get your Cherno a set of this. |
Areca Squad | Enya - Exuvia | Enya's actually pretty flexible with her logistics options, as she can also make use of Amarna and even Twilight Squad when supporting Electric DPS operatives (hello Chenxing). This makes Areca a bit of a tougher sell, though the two-piece passive attack boost can find use in some niche setups. |
If you have the signature weapon for any of the operatives listed, you should obviously be using that instead.
Weapon | Associated Operative | Verdict |
![]() Wild Wasp Stinger | Haru - Absconditus | A while ago, I did a lot of math to see how WWS shakes out against comparable competition. You can read that here, but the short of it is that a highly-duped Nexus or any tier of Yojimbo will give the bee blaster a decent run for its money. Or if you have Star Ocean, you should really use that instead. |
![]() Wave | Mauxir - Shadow Ka | Honestly not very impressive, as its attack boost isn't that amazing and takes quite a while to scale up as well. You'll likely get just as much value out of Frigatebird, if not more. |
![]() Wasp | Tess - The Magician | The only competition this weapon really has is Deep Sea's Call, which kneecaps Tess' ability to generate U-Energy in exchange for providing an attack boost. So if you find yourself not needing the U-Energy, I guess you can skip this. But if you don't need extra U-Energy, why are you using Tess to begin with? |
![]() Alpine Gentian | Katya - Blue Bolt | You really don't have any other option. Might as well. It's also the only source for a crossbow Scope attachment, so get one if you haven't already, even if you have Katya's signature weapon. |
![]() Rock Python | Eatchel - The Cub | |
![]() Halo of Hope | Cherno - Enigma | Cherno really wants an on-element weapon (Chaos) to take full advantage of her abilities, and no other SR weapon comes close to doing what this weapon does. 100 Battle Veteran does beat it out with the power of brute force stat checking, but that's also an SSR weapon. |
![]() Tribute of Rose | Enya - Exuvia | Most of its value actually comes from the fact that it's an Electric weapon, and thus can activate Areca Squad's two-piece effect. It does lose value if you're not using that logistics set, though, and could be substituted out for Prismatic Igniter in that case. |
![]() Wild Leer | Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud | Wild Leer kind of wins by technicality, as the SR assault rifle pool is pretty awful. The only weapon that even comes close is Indicator, and it doesn't end up working that well with Chenxing due to the diminishing returns of its weapon effect in combination with the logistics sets that Chenxing commonly uses. |