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Enya - Tempest
NEW! → T0
According to all known aspects of the Snowbreak meta, there is no way that Enya - Tempest should be able to be competitive. Her base damage ratios are too small to get her AoE-focused abilities to do respectable damage. Enya, of course, is a top-tier DPS operative anyways because she doesn't care what silly tier list editors think is impossible.
Jokes aside - Enya's base damage ratios aren't very impressive, but when given the tools to supercharge her ult with supports like Tess - The Magician, those relatively unimpressive numbers quickly scale up to very scary levels. Combined with her Deiwos passive that further amps up her damage in single-target boss fights, Enya accomplishes the seemingly unthinkable task of matching the ridiculous burst potential of the already-absurd Chenxing - Jade Arc. Of course, this is almost always a one-time burst of damage, but when it hits as hard as it does, you often don't find yourself needing much followup.

Chenxing - Jade Arc
T0 ↓ T0.5
NEW! → T0 [M1T2]
So this is a bit of a confusing shift for Chenxing, but it'll make more sense when I explain it. At lower investment levels, Chenxing is about competitive with the rest of the (former) Tier 0 DPS roster, as her burst potential still comes with a relatively lengthy preparation period as she sticks in arrows. But once she reaches M1T2 levels of power, the required amount of pincushioning decreases to a point that her setup becomes less of an issue, enabling unrivalled burst damage potential such that she basically pushes her less-invested self down a tier. This leaves her placement in Tier 0 as a class of one two, with only Enya - Tempest being able to keep up.

Enya - Exuvia
T0 ↓ T0.5
NEW! → T0 [M2T2]
The dominance of Chenxing - Jade Arc, a technically-Hybrid-but-more-Ballistic DPS operative, has pushed the entire legacy DPS roster down a notch, and with it many of Enya's best Skill DPS pairings. Making matters worse, all of these Skill DPS operatives - Katya - Dawnwing, Cherno - Enigma, and Siris - Ksana - have been preferring to use Tess - The Magician instead to get their damage buffs while also speeding up their damage rotations. And even with her other self Enya - Tempest arriving as a truly competitive Skill DPS, the lack of shooting in her playstyle means that Exuvia has a hard time building support skill charges to apply the full strength of her damage buffs. Ironic.
As a result, Enya's base capabilities no longer make the cut for top tier, requiring higher investment levels (M2T2) to remain a consistently compelling support pick.

Marian - Riptide
T0 ↓ T0.5

I'll be completely honest with you - I've never liked the fact that I had Riptide in Tier 0 ever since she was added there. In my opinion, she was completely undeserving of the rating and only made it in off of the strength of Skill DPS operatives like Katya - Dawnwing, combined with the dearth of Skill support options to go with them. But with much of the Skill DPS roster getting pushed down and shifting support preferences to the point that even Enya - Exuvia has a hard time earning her keep, Riptide also being kicked out of Tier 0 is all but an inevitability.

Fritia - Turbo
T1 ↓ T2
NEW! → T1 [M4T2]
Pay no mind to the demotion of her rating, that's just the same downward shift that every existing DPS operative got hit by in the wake of the releases of Chenxing - Jade Arc and Enya - Tempest.
Rather, the really interesting thing here is her new high investment rating. Feeding Fritia signature weapon dupes and more Manifests don't fix any of her core problems, but they do make number go up well enough to give Turbo a sizable spread of bosses that she's at least decently competent at, and keep her from falling behind on the treadmill of powercreep.

Most DPS operatives
Placement lowered by 1
Chenxing - Jade Arc and Enya - Tempest, and their consequences, have been disastrous for the Snowbreak DPS meta. Who would have thought that being able to one-shot nearly every boss in the game ridiculously quickly would create a massive power gap?
It's all so tiring.

Lyfe - Infinite Sight
T0 ↓ T0.5

Bubu - The Geomancer
T0 ↓ T0.5

Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud
T0.5 ↓ T1

Cherno - Enigma
T0.5 ↓ T1

Fritia - Hush
T1 [M3T2] ↓ T2 [M3T2]

Yao - Winter Solstice
T1 ↓ T2

Haru - Absconditus
T2 ↓ T3

Fenny- Lionheart
T2 ↓ T3

Mauxir - Meow
T3 ↓ T4

Katya - Dawnwing
T0 [M3T2] ↓ T0.5 [M3T2]
T0.5 ↓ T1

Fenny - Coronet
T0.5 ↓ T1

Siris - Ksana
T0.5 ↓ T1

Marian - Swift
T1 [M3T2] ↓ T2 [M3T2]
T2 ↓ T3

Vidya - Agave
T1 ↓ T2

Katya - Blue Bolt
T1 ↓ T2

Lyfe - Wild Hunt
T2 ↓ T3

Marian - Queen of Pain
T3 ↓ T4

Yao - Nightglow
NEW! → T0
Yao is a much-needed Ballistic specialist to rival even the ever-in-demand Fenny - Starshine. While her utility doesn’t quite compare to Fenny’s ability to remove the need to reload, she makes up for it with incredibly potent support buffs to Attack, critical hit, and Ballistic Damage, exactly the three stats that a Ballistic DPS operative wants. Yao is famously not a fan of overtime, but it seems that she’s going to be working some long hours in the Neural Simulation arena and beyond.

Chenxing - Jade Arc
T0.5 ↑ T0
Hey, remember all those high expectations people had for Chenxing? Well, she’s more than lived up to them. She’s really got it all - strong damage, a flexible damage rotation, and more burst damage than you can shake an arrow at. Her Ultimate Skill bypassing damage reduction effects also means that she gets to cheese bosses like the Ni-Type Mechs and Njall without relying on Mauxir - Shadow Ka, much to the detriment of the other DPS operative who can do that (more on this later).
She’s not perfect, of course. Her damage rotation does take some time to set up and execute, which means that less burdened operatives like Lyfe - Infinite Sight and Bubu - The Geomancer can steal squishy bosses from right under her, and she really does not like having to hit breakable parts. But if she gets enough time to get going, there’s almost nobody that can keep up.

Cherno - Enigma
T0 ↓ T0.5
Oh, how the mighty fall. The original meta-breaker that kicked Snowbreak’s powercreep into high gear and brought us to where we are today has finally received a taste of her own medicine.
Cherno has had her sustained DPS output shown up by many more modern DPS operatives, and her massive burst capabilities have become much less special as well. While she can still output a very fast first pop thanks to Tess - The Magician, the squishy bosses that she’s able to do this to are also easy prey for other competition that burst out of the gate just as fast, but are able to keep it up while Cherno has to slowly prepare followup bursts. Even her unique damage reduction bypass has had its spotlight stolen by Chenxing - Jade Arc, who manages to produce even bigger numbers with her arrow pull.

Bubu - The Geomancer
T0.5★ ↑ T0
Bubu has passed her trial by fire to earn a spot at the top. Concerns about her DPS uptime have mostly been dispelled because as it turns out, if you do enough damage the fight tends to end before your special damage juice runs out. And with Yao - Nightglow being a perfect pairing for Bubu, she gets even more time on the clock to tell fortunes and plug enemies with fiery lead.

Cherno - Those Two
T3 ↑ T2
Surprisingly enough, it’s Cherno’s 4★ variant that’s on the upswing recently, as squishy bosses like Njall - Hardened and Katya - Frostcap give Cherno a high-value use case in delaying their invulnerability triggers long enough to finish them off. She’s still not as versatile as the GOAT Slow support that is Acacia - Redacted, but Cherno having access to Alloy Truth sweetens the deal and makes a compelling case for a promotion.
From the Maze of Darkness Meta Report.

Bubu - The Geomancer
NEW → T0.5★
Bubu’s made a very strong positive impression, but it still feels too soon to be putting her in Tier 0. I’m giving her some more time to earn a potential promotion.
From the Sands of Secrets Meta Report.

Fritia - Turbo
NEW → T1
For a speedster, Fritia ironically takes too long to hit her stride and gets left in the dust by contemporary DPS alternatives.

Siris - Ksana
T0 ↓ T0.5
Siris actually sees herself with a bit of Turbo syndrome of her own, as the lengthy shield rams required to feed her ultimate leave her damage rotation a bit too slow for top-tier contention.

Yao - Winter Solstice
T0.5 ↓ T1
Yao's gradual decline continues as despite all of Fritia - Turbo's shortcomings, even she can pump out comparable or better damage numbers without the hassle of a high U-Energy price tag.

Katya - Blue Bolt
T0.5 ↓ T1
Katya's "jack of all trades" nature served her well while her performance was competitive, but the existence of modern DPS picks that outshine her while being just as well-rounded means that her relevant use cases have drastically reduced.

Fenny - Lionheart
T1 ↓ T2
This has less to do with Fenny's own performance as it is about "making space" for recent demotions from upstairs with more potent combat capabilities.

Lyfe - Wild Hunt
T1 ↓ T2
Even with the benefit of modern skill damage supports like Enya - Exuvia and Marian - Riptide, Wild Hunt still struggles to be a compelling DPS option.

Haru - Absconditus
T1 ↓ T2
With seemingly every new DPS release having some form of effortless wave clear capability, Haru's mobbing niche has only become less and less valuable. Even the historical ace up her sleeve that is her performance against the Fiends has started to come into doubt as new, faster strategies leave her watching from the sidelines.

Marian - Queen of Pain
T2 ↓ T3
Like with Fenny - Lionheart, this is more about making space. Given the lack of actual DPS operatives in the lower tiers, I would take this as just an organisational rearrangement, rather than an actual demotion.

Mauxir - Meow
T2 ↓ T3
Mauxir's original version... really hasn't been doing a lot, as her Shadow Ka form hogs the spotlight. And for all of her weird quirks, none of them have really had a major impact either.
From the Azure Paradise Meta Report.

Katya - Dawnwing
NEW → T0.5
NEW → T0 [HI]
While Katya has some truly impressive potential, not a lot of it is available unless you really invest in her. Regardless, she sees dividends soon enough to be a cut above even at lower investment levels. And once you really pour your resources into her, the top end of her investment curve is strong enough to duke it out with other top meta DPS picks.

Marian - Riptide
NEW → T0
While more deserving of a T0.5 placement based on her own merits, Marian sneaks into the top ratings bracket due to the lack of better skill damage support options available.
From the Operation Midnight Meta Report.

Vidya - Agave
NEW → T1
While occasionally useful in niche scenarios, Agave ultimately comes off as underwhelming in an age of gassed-up monster DPS releases.

Eatchel - The Cub
NEW → T0.5 [HI]
Things are looking up for our friend from Yehrus. She’s been finding a place in more and more lineups for her raw attack buffing power - provided that you’ve been giving her sufficient attention and the shiny shotgun on her wishlist. The release of a top Kinetic DPS in Lyfe IS has also given her an extra niche as a Twilight resist shredder as well.
From the Anniversary Special Meta Report.

Siris - Ksana
NEW → T0
While she does get bested by the more-potent Cherno - Enigma, being close to the peak still puts you pretty high up at the top.

Lyfe - Infinite Sight
NEW → T0
Packing strong damage that hits hard and doesn’t stop, Lyfe reaches her strongest form yet as she gives Cherno a serious run for her money for top DPS overall if not beating her outright.

Fenny - Starshine
NEW → T0
Were you really surprised? With competitive buffs and more bonus ammo than you can shake a shotgun at, Fenny easily makes her mark as a must-have support - one that everyone conveniently gets for free.

Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud
T0 ↓ T0.5
Chenxing was the very first DPS to release after the game’s launch, which gave her a long period of time to make her mark on the game. While she certainly had her strengths (Hela shredder!), it was her overall versatility and viability in almost any situation that really paid dividends as one of the best-value pickups of the time.
But nothing good lasts forever, it seems. The release of Katya very quickly had Chenxing playing second fiddle against anything she couldn’t slap multiple marks on. And with DPS releases from Cherno onward bursting harder than Chenxing while being able to outsustain her damage too, her few remaining competitive use cases only highlight how far the original Brave Squad MVP has fallen.

Katya - Blue Bolt
T0 ↓ T0.5
Looking back, I think Katya really got a raw deal. Sure, she was a direct upgrade to Chenxing in enough cases to put her on top, and having infinite ammo was admittedly a really cool gimmick. But for as much as people understandably (over)reacted about how “broken” she was, that time at the top only lasted for just two events. With the release of Realm of Illusion and Cherno, all of her advantages started to lose their meaning in the face of a 300-stack orb pop producing the biggest numbers Snowbreak had ever seen. Two DPS releases later, it was clear that Katya had fallen behind with no way of catching up.
I’m sure that Katya will continue to be relevant for uh, other reasons. So even if she no longer has her competitive edge, Katya can at least take solace in the fact that her other charms will last for quite a while longer.

Yao - Winter Solstice
T0 ↓ T0.5
By all accounts, Yao’s enduring presence at the top should not have been possible to begin with. She was nerfed after CBT, before Snowbreak had yet to even officially release. Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud had better sustained damage. Haru - Absconditus had better mobbing power. Hell, Katya - Blue Bolt didn’t even have to reload.
It didn’t matter. Yao was still onetapping mooks and deleting bosses as fast as anyone else, if not faster. But some things are inevitable, it seems. Thus it went: Cherno pushed the bar higher than Yao could ever reach, and the following releases of Siris and Lyfe ensured that it stayed there. So as the last of the release SSRs finally succumbs to powercreep, you have to wonder if those flashy new DPS operatives were really worth the devastation they brought to the meta.
The old queen is dead. And with her, an entire era of Snowbreak.

Enya - Exuvia
T0.5 ↑ T0
Even though her sub-DPS gimmick hasn't really seen the value where it counts, it turns out that getting a chunky skill damage buff for basically free is still really good. Being immune to CC effects while in the safety circle is just the cherry on top as more and more bosses try to poke you off balance.

Multiple Operatives
T0.5 ↓ T1

Lyfe - Wild Hunt
There’s something ironic about Lyfe being shown up by her own self. I can only imagine the monkey’s paw that some unwitting player wished upon as they requested that Lyfe become a top DPS pick.

Marian - Swift
Why would you practically play Marian over Lyfe - Infinite Sight, who does exactly what Swift does but better and for longer? It’s a role assassination if I’ve ever seen one. At the very least, Swift was able to go out with a swan song as she got to be a serious contender one final time with the debut of Katya - Frostcap in Neural Simulation. Most of the other operatives did not get to enjoy such dignity.

Haru - Absconditus
With new DPS releases that can handle groups of mobs just as easily as they can delete bosses, the value of having a dedicated mobber only decreases from its already-questionable state.

Fritia - Hush [HI]
After considering all the effort and careful planning required to produce competitive results with Hush, you start to wonder why you even bothered when new releases kill things even faster with a fraction of the brainwork.
Most Tier 1 Operatives Lowered to Tier 2
Notably unchanged ratings:

Fenny - Coronet (T0.5)
Sometimes all you need is one missing piece, and for Coronet, it’s the bucket of extra ammo that her other self provides. Being able to consistently max out her Mercy stacks means that she’s once again a decent enough burst threat capable of express-mailing enemies more lead than they know what to do with. While she likely won’t ever end up back in Tier 0 as new DPS releases leave her choking on dust, the fact that she keeps her rating as her peers get demoted is at least some consolation.

Fenny - Lionheart (T1)
It turns out that both Fennys (Fennies?) get spared from being bumped down, with Lionheart getting the thumbs up due to her overall amazing performance in general content that punches well above her weight.

Acacia - Redacted (T1)
Offensive supports are generally more resistant to powercreep than DPS characters, and the universal value that Slow still provides means that Acacia keeps her spot. Fritia - Little Sunshine notably does not enjoy this benefit as her support skill has direct anti-synergy with the bonus ammo from Fenny - Starshine, an arguably superior support.

Eatchel - The Cub (T1)
With recent boss releases being designed to produce longer kill times (if only slightly), Eatchel finds a bit more room to properly ramp up and actually manage to deliver her best-in-class attack buffs.
All Previous Tier 2 and Lower Operatives Shifted Down
From the Gradient of Souls Meta Report.

Cherno - Enigma
NEW → T0
With strong sustained DPS that’s flexible enough to pop mobs and bosses alike, Cherno is a strong meta pick that allows for a unique approach to combat.

Enya - Exuvia
NEW → T0.5
Enya unfortunately finds her usage a little too niche for a Tier 0 placement, but performs remarkably well within her areas of strength. I expect her to only become more valuable over time as future releases give her more use cases.

Fenny - Coronet
T0 ↓ T0.5
Time has not been kind to Fenny, as Katya and now Cherno push her further and further away from the limelight. Her most glaring flaws like reload downtime and a lack of range still have not been meaningfully solved, especially with how in-demand her range bandaid known as Mauxir - Shadow Ka is among stronger DPS picks. While once a top three DPS, Fenny now struggles to stay in the top five. The last time I kicked Fenny out of Tier 0, she immediately got new support to put her back up. Will history repeat again? We’ll have to see.

Multiple Operatives
T1 ↓ T2

Yao - Quiet Quitter
Pure healing utility has only dropped in value as players progress and reduce their reliance on it.

Lyfe - Wednesday
Basically only used for Paralyze from her support skill, which is in itself a relatively niche use case.

Siris - The Goldfish
Defensive utility is of lesser importance as most players opt to kill enemies faster instead.

Cherno - Those Two
Despite being one of very few operatives who can provide a source of Slow, she’s arguably the worst among them, and doesn’t provide much else outside of that.
All Previous Tier 2/3 Operatives Shifted Down

Nita - Hands

Enya - Big Sis

Fritia - Hush

Haru - The Ace
From the March 29, 2024 Meta Report.

Eatchel - The Cub
NEW → T1
Eatchel is by far the best healer you can get your hands on, with both great passive health replenishment and a massive burst heal. But unfortunately, this isn’t really something that’s needed in the current state of the game. She can also provide quite a large attack buff from her ultimate, but its high U-Energy price tag makes it impractical in most scenarios.

Enya - Big Sis
T1 ↓ T2
I really should have done this a while ago, to be honest. She could have gone down in rating several months back, as any utility she brought as a support became completely powercrept by Mauxir - Shadow Ka. Having your entire support gimmick done better by someone else’s passive ability kinda hurts. She’s still not any better as a DPS either, so she unfortunately sees a reduction in rating.
From the February 9, 2024 Meta Report.

Tess - The Magician
NEW → T0.5
Tess cements her role as the premier U-Energy support in the game, but it’s one of limited usefulness. However, her strong synergy with Winter Solstice and Hush lets her pull a Tier 0.5 placement out of her hat.

Katya - Blue Bolt
NEW → T0
With two fire modes (one great, one good enough), endless ammo, and strong numbers to boot, Katya easily slides her way to the top, and looks good doing it too.

Fritia - Hush
T1 [HI] ↑ T0.5
With Tess providing Hush all the U-Energy she could ever want, she can finally make her death laser fantasies into reality and produce shockingly high Neural Simulation scores. However, her general usability is still not great. This is really the highest that Hush can ever be rated unless changes are made to her non-Ultimate abilities or she suddenly starts instantly vaporising bosses.
From the December 9, 2023 Meta Report.

Haru - Absconditus
T0 ↓ T0.5
Haru (specifically Absconditus) hasn’t been doing too great, or at least as well as she could be. She was never one of the best bossing units to begin with, and mobbing has been a less valuable niche as the increasing strength of the average account means that players can just use their “bossing” operatives for general mobbing too. Verdurous Holiday releasing with a very strong gun damage support and logistics set only makes things worse for Haru. She hasn’t gotten any worse per se, but other operatives have gotten stronger, leaving her at a growing disadvantage.

Fritia - Hush
T0.5 ↓ T2
NEW! → T1 [HI]
As an operative already heavily weighted towards back-loaded damage via her ultimate, Hush has always struggled to stay relevant in the meta, requiring heavy investment to reach a competitive power level. But as more traditional gun-based operatives get juiced up with Shadow Ka and Amarna, Hush once again gets left behind as her damage fails to keep up while her existing clunkiness remains. This only worsens at lower investment levels, where her damage is even worse, making Hush a tough recommendation compared to bullet-slinging alternatives.

Marian - Swift
T0.5 ↓ T1
NEW! → T0.5 [HI]
There’s no actual change to Swift’s “real” rating, but she does get her base rating lowered as she’s definitely not as good at lower investment levels. Losing the skill cooldown reduction from Manifest 3 hurts a lot more than you’d think.

Cherno - Those Two
T2 ↑ T1
Despite not gaining any power as an active operative, Cherno’s support skill has given her new usefulness. The value of the Slow effect from said support skill has made her a viable if not slightly inferior alternative to Redacted. While she can’t provide free starting U-Energy, she does allow for gapclosing mobility which is especially useful against melee bosses. Being an SMG user also means she has access to the very strong weapon that is Alloy Truth, and the Slow effect being the same as Redacted’s means she can provide an additional damage amp with Navigator Squad. As more and more mobile bosses get added to the game, the value of having a second source of universal crowd control gives both Cherno and Redacted a secure spot in many Neural Sim lineups.
[Terrible visual joke omitted]

Mauxir - Meow
T0.5 ↓ T1
The Mauxir experiment hasn’t quite gone to plan. Whether it’s a bug or an intended interaction, the orbs from her support skill don’t count for Amarna’s second effect. This limits her value as a support for Ethereal Cloud, and while she’s still a great companion to Absconditus, the post-Amarna game state hasn’t been kind to her either. There’s definitely still potential in the future, but Mauxir just doesn’t quite have enough going for her now.
From the November 18, 2023 Meta Report.

Mauxir - Shadow Ka
NEW! → T0
I have a general rule where operatives aren't allowed to immediately be rated in Tier 0 to avoid knee-jerk overreactions, but Mauxir certainly seems strong enough to be worth making an exception.
...It’s not like every other limited SSR I’ve provisionally put at T0.5 hasn’t ended up in T0 anyways. I'm not a shill, I promise. But as it turns out, being really good at roiding up the damage output of almost every top tier gun damage operative tends to make you a pretty good support. While not as versatile as Kaguya, her choice to specialize instead brings a stronger payoff in the current meta. Perhaps future meta shifts will reduce her value, but that day is most likely a long ways off, allowing for a secure spot at the top for now.

Fenny - Coronet
T0.5 ↑ T0
I know I moved her down a tier the last time I updated the tier list, but to say the situation has changed would be an understatement. Coronet finds herself immediately bumped back up to T0 thanks to the new support for gun damage operatives. Amarna is great for her damage, and Shadow Ka reduces or completely negates her former weaknesses. Being a shotgun operative, Kebechet provides a stationary target with potentially guaranteed crits for Coronet to dump lead into, and its ability to bypass damage reductions reduces the need to parts break against certain bosses (looking at you, Ni-Mech). Hopefully her stay in T0 is longer than her time in T0.5.

Marian - Swift
T1 ↑ T0.5
Perhaps I was a little harsh on Swift's evaluation in the past, but she’s also benefited enough from Amarna that I can just say that her power level has gone up instead. Amarna’s effects apply not just to her gun damage, but to her standard skill as well, which means that her damage output overall increases quite a decent amount. The existence of slippery bosses like Katya (and Esther, to a lesser extent) also means that Swift now has a meaningful niche to compete in. While I'm not comfortable raising her all the way to T0 yet as I still have some concerns about her general usability, Swift definitely earns a rise in rating to separate her from the crowd.

Mauxir - Meow
T1 ↑ T0.5
Further testing with the cat reveals strong synergies with top operatives and only more potential for future utility as time goes on. On top of having unique and useful gameplay niches, being a pocket pick support for three of the four Tier 0 operatives (Kaguya, Ethereal Cloud, Absconditus) means Mauxir gets to hitch a ride on their rising stars up to Tier 0.5.
From October 2023 Operative Tier List Update 2.

Haru - Absconditus
T0★ → T0
After further testing, Haru proves to be just strong enough to sneak into top tier. While she is quite reliant on her first manifest as well as having a suitable pistol equipped, she's just well-rounded enough to be more than a highly-effective trash mob cleaner. She is arguably the weakest of the current Tier 0 roster though, especially with the other big change...

Fenny - Coronet
T0 ↓ T0.5
Don't get me wrong, Coronet is still the fast-firing shotgun DPS that she always was. However, new and stronger DPS options have come onto the scene, making her existing weaknesses harder to overlook. Being stuck with long and frequent reloads hampers her DPS potential, and having her skill on greatly reduces her parts break power, removing a traditional strength of shotgun operatives. Furthermore, her existing niches have also seen stronger options replace her. Ethereal Cloud does single-target Electric DPS better and much more easily, and Absconditus trivializes no-aim mobbing. Coronet unfortunately no longer meets the bar for entry into Tier 0 and is lowered down by one tier.

Mauxir - Meow
T1 ↑ T0.5
Further testing with the cat reveals strong synergies with top operatives and only more potential for future utility as time goes on. On top of having unique and useful gameplay niches, being a pocket pick support for three of the four Tier 0 operatives (Kaguya, Ethereal Cloud, Absconditus) means Mauxir gets to hitch a ride on their rising stars up to Tier 0.5.
From the October 2023 Operative Tier List Update.

Haru - Absconditus
NEW! → T0★
Haru makes an entrance in her new tactical suit, making a stark departure from her 4 star variant as a strong mobbing operative (and an actually useful operative overall). However, she can still struggle with fending off tankier enemies and lose DPS due to not being able to maintain her skill rotations. Further testing will follow to determine if Haru's blade can retain its edge.

Enya - Big Sis
T0.5 ↓ T1
Enya was once a star support for Winter Solstice, the hottest DPS in town. However, Winter Solstice is no longer in a tier of her own anymore. As well, stronger support options have reduced the value that Enya brings in such a position. Her mediocre active operative performance hasn't changed, and all of these factors combined leads to a reduction in rating.