October 2023 Operative Tier List Update

The October 2023 operative tier list update for Snowbreak: Containment Zone.

This is an update log that does not include the full tier list. You can find that here.

But first, a word from the author

Hey, folks. I'm vicyush, the guy who manages the tier list. Some of you may already know of me from my previous work on tier lists and other resources hosted elsewhere. I was recently approached to bring my writing and insight to snowbreak.gg and make my content more easily accessible and help more people. I'm excited to make the most of this opportunity to produce even better news updates, guides, and of course, continue updating the tier list in the future. See you around!

Haru - Absconditus provisionally rated at T0.5

Haru makes an entrance in her new tactical suit, making a stark departure from her 4 star variant as a strong mobbing operative (and an actually useful operative overall). However, she can still struggle with fending off tankier enemies and lose DPS due to not being able to maintain her skill rotations. Further testing will follow to determine if Haru's blade can retain its edge.

Enya - Big Sis lowered from T0.5 to T1

Enya was once a star support for Winter Solstice, the hottest DPS in town. However, Winter Solstice is no longer in a tier of her own anymore. As well, stronger support options have reduced the value that Enya brings in such a position. Her mediocre active operative performance hasn't changed, and all of these factors combined leads to a reduction in rating.

Updates to Mauxir - Meow, Yao - Quiet Quitter, and Fritia - Little Sunshine

Mauxir remains ever the oddball of an operative, and continues to find new uses thanks to special gameplay interactions with other operatives. This doesn’t change her rating, but it does mean an updated write-up is in order.

Meanwhile, now that players have had time to flesh out their rosters, Yao’s usage as a sniper DPS isn’t as needed anymore. As a result, she mainly sees use as a healing support, albeit a very strong pick in the role. It thus evens out to being at about the same spot as she was before. Like Mauxir, there's no change in rating, but her new write-up reflects the shift to mainly being a healer.

Finally, Fritia’s rating in Tier 1 has stuck, being a competent operative but not one that stands out from the crowd of decent supports.

Other minor edits to Yao - Winter Solstice, Fenny - Coronet, Acacia - Kaguya, Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud, Fenny - Lionheart, Siris - The Goldfish, and Chenxing - The Observer.