Paradoxical Labyrinth is a new, permanent roguelike game mode that will release on January 18, along with the rest of the Ballad of Chaos update.
Names and gameplay details are subject to change and final EN localisation.

Players will be able to choose various difficulty levels, with higher difficulties granting increased rewards. The previous difficulty must be cleared before advancing to a harder one.

Players can also choose their preferred gameplay style. Shown in the above image:
Increase shield power by 15%, increased by the number of "barrier" type buffs obtained: - 3 buffs: +30% shield power - 6 buffs: +60 shield power - 12 buffs: +120% shield power | Increase skill damage by 15%, increased by the number of "sentinel" type buffs obtained: - 3 buffs: +30% skill damage - 6 buffs: +60 skill damage - 12 buffs: +120% skill damage | Increase rate of fire by 10%, increased by the number of "trample" type buffs obtained: - 3 buffs: +30% RoF increase - 6 buffs: +70 RoF increase - 12 buffs: +150% RoF increase | Increase attack by 15%, increased by the number of "interrogation" type buffs obtained: - 3 buffs: +30% attack - 6 buffs: +60% attack - 12 buffs: +120% attack | Increase ammo capacity by ?%, increased by the number of ? type buffs obtained: - 3 buffs: +20% ammo capacity - 6 buffs: +40% ammo capacity - 12 buffs: +80% ammo capacity |

Rooms in the game mode will be similar to previously-explored areas. After clearing a room, the player will be able to choose from multiple paths to advance forward on.

Acacia: Is the Adjutant having trouble picking? Randomness and strategy are the charm of this type of game, you know. Follow me!
After choosing a direction to advance in, players will be presented with different options for the contents of the next room.

After clearing combat stages, players will be able to choose between different buffs. Players will also receive a currency that can be used in the run to purchase supplies from shops that may appear.

Players can reset a run at any time, and still receive rewards based on their progress at the time of resetting.

Acacia: If you could increase your stats, what would the Adjutant prefer? And no, height generally doesn't affect your character stats.
After completing or resetting a run, players will receive strategy points. These can be used to obtain permanent buffs for future runs.
It's basically like a New Game+ system.

After completing or resetting a run, players will receive reward points based on their progress. Obtaining points will unlock various rewards.

Obtainable rewards:
- Sniper rifle "Chocolate Filling"
- Digicash
- Limited weapon banner tickets
- Silverbucks
- Avatar frame "Best Solution"
- "Multiple Choice" chat bubble skin
- Avatar icon "Insightful"
- Profile card "Paradox Maze"
- Weapon uncap mats of all three rarities